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What makes you feel really really really really happy?

It's important to put this many 'reallys' into the sentence!!

You might find that you get some superficial answers initially so you might add some more really's into the sentence as you dig a little deeper.

How does happiness feel?
What goes on in my body when I am really really really happy?
What does it look like for me?
Can I recognise it in others?

It's important that children are able to think deeply about the feeling of happiness, engage in how this feels for them and when they identify in getting that feeling. How does their/our bodies respond to pure happiness? How do we know that we are happy? Does smiling mean that we are happy?

In these uncertain times, being able to find the feeling of happiness is going to be so central to them. Once they can articulate this feeling to you, they will identify it over time as happiness and should become more content.

As adults, can you identify what makes you really really really really happy? I wonder how many really's it would take to find that deeper understanding. Take some time, be mindful of the moment and of yourself and remember the feeling of total happiness. When you find it, you can help someone else find it too!

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